CEED - 2025 Question Bank cover

CEED - 2025 Question Bank

Limited time offer ₹3999  ₹1999

layers 16 Courses

Language: English

Valid Till: 2025-01-31

₹3999 50% OFF

₹1999 including 18% GST

Looking to ace the CEED 2025 examination and gain admission to top IITs ? Look no further than our CEED 2025 Question Bank Online Course!

Our comprehensive Question Bank course is designed to help you develop the skills and knowledge required to excel in the CEED 2025 examination. With a focus on interactive learning, our course features a range of engaging resources and tools to support your exam preparation journey.

With our extensive question bank, you'll have access to a diverse range of practice questions covering all sections of the CEED 2025 syllabusOur course is tailored to your individual learning needs, providing you with answering techniques to boost your performance in the CEED 2025 examination. We'll help you develop the confidence and exam-taking skills you need to succeed.

By enrolling in our CEED 2025 Question Bank Online Course, you'll not only enhance your exam preparation but also improve your chances of gaining admission to top design schools in India, including the IITs, IISc, IIITDM and DTU

Don't wait - enroll now and start your journey towards CEED 2025 success!

Frequently Asked Questions

How many questions are in the CEED Question Bank?
There are 5000+ questions that vary over time. New questions are created, edited, and added. The CEED Question Bank currently contains hundreds of realistic practice questions, and we will continue to add new ones on a regular basis. 

Will these questions be asked in CEED?
The only source for CEED practice questions should be DMS,  The questions in the CEED Question Bank were curated by DMS instructors with years of training UCEED/CEED aspirants to top ranks, they have been designed to measure students’ higher-order thinking skills in the exact same way that official CEED questions you’ll encounter on exam day.

What kinds of practice questions are in the CEED Question Bank?
The CEED Question Bank includes Part A & Part B questions that you find in full range of adaptive parts: Spatial Ability, 2D/3D Visualisation, Rotation of Solids, Counting Faces, Folding Problems, Mechanical Reasoning, Mathematical Reasoning, quantitative reasoning questions, Problem Solving, Arithmetic to Combinatorics & much more. Finally, you’ll also find a section dedicated to Part B, covering the most common types and formats you’ll have to tackle in that portion of the exam!

Is the CEED Question Bank adaptive?
You can choose the number of questions with the difficulty level of the questions that are served to you will vary. After completing the problems, you'll be able able to see the answers for each of the questions that you attempted in that session, and you can revisit that information at any point in the future.

Why do I need to register to use the CEED Question Bank?
Registering for an account in Design mentor studio and make the payment to access 5000+ CEED Specific questions

Where do the questions in these tests come from?
Every question in our CEED question bank was curated by our team of experienced CEED instructors who themselves have secured top ranks in Design entrance examination.

Where do I begin if I am just getting started with my CEED preparation?
You’ve definitely come to the right place to begin your journey! In addition to signing up for our free practice material and setting up an account to make use of the CEED question bank, take a look around the rest of our site. In an effort to make sure that all prospective CEED takers start off on the right foot, we have compiled many useful CEED resources, including our blog free tests which covers everything from specific content-related questions and problem types to overall strategy and broader CEED considerations.

Can I get access to your question bank without enrolling in a course?
We have taken a year of tiring effort to make this question bank, we are charging you the bare minimum to appreciate the efforts taken by our mentors

How are these different from other CEED question banks or practice tests?
Unlike more basic approaches that simply copy paste some lower exam contents, DMS recognizes that the level of complexity this exam has. We have worked to keep that level ensuring that you see a mix of question types that are representative of what you will see on the real CEED exam.

Consequences of Copying/Distributing/Selling/Harming the Content-

  1. Each & every content is WATERMARKED.
  2. Any kind of hacking or causing any sort of damage to the content is a PUNISHABLE offence. You are only allowed to access the content till the time they are valid.
  3. It is advisable that you do not share the login with your friends as at times they try to harm the content but this act will ultimately put you in trouble. 
  4. Please DO NOT try to record/screenshot the content by any other means. If you are found BUYING or SELLING the lectures illegally then you will be liable to pay a heavy amount as compensation and many more legal actions will be taken.
  5. The contents of this course cannot be downloaded 

PS: If you see any illegal activities being held in the name of Design Mentor Studio, please report to us on designmentorstudio@gmail.com.

Cancellation/Refund Policy

  • Course once subscribed cannot be cancelled.
  • Fees are non-refundable.
  • Course subscribed cannot be changed with another course.
  • The course is non-transferable.
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